What does A2 have to do with anything?

Maybe you’ve seen it in stores. Maybe your favorite health food blogger has raved about it. Maybe our website is the first you have heard of A2 milk. Or maybe you have no idea what I am talking about.

The a2a2 designation for milk is not a quality rating, its not a brand, and its not a clever new gimmick. In fact, it is old - according to research, a2 milk is the original form of most milk. It refers to part of the cow’s genetic code that determines the amino acid composition of the milk she produces. A1 milk and a2 milk (and mixed a1a2 milk) is very similar, in most respects, except when a1 milk is digested, a tiny byproduct is released, which causes digestive upset. Sunday, our cow, is certified to have a2 genetics, which means that her milk is extraordinarily digestible, without that troublesome little byproduct.

Most people who have tummy trouble with dairy conclude that they are lactose intolerant or have an allergy, and end up avoiding milk altogether. This can certainly be the case, but there is a close chance that instead of lactose, it is that little byproduct - beta casomorph 7 - that is causing the distress.

If you are allergic, of course, you should avoid all dairy. But if you aren’t sure, a2 milk is worth a try! I grew up avoiding milk wherever possible. I often had a tummy ache, driving to school after breakfast, and certainly after milk and cookies. I just thought that was the way it was for everyone, until I grew up and decided that I must just be lactose intolerant. I could have a little, and when I overdid it, it was quite uncomfortable but not terrible. Then I heard about a2 milk, and decided to give it a try. To my surprise, I could drink as much as I wanted with no trouble, no pain, nothing! And when I began to drink our own fresh a2 milk, with the added bonus of consuming it in its raw, naturally whole form, I actually began to crave it. It still makes me laugh, because I still self identify as “not liking milk,” but our milk is just something different, and a2 is part of that.


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